Hey all!
Blimey, how did that happen?
First of all, sorry everyone. That was a huge gap in comunication there. But I'm rectifying that right now.
So, what have I been doing?
Well, life has many twists and turns. Long story short, it took me away from my work online.
I didn't want to bore you with it.
So, there's been more Sonic Paradox work, more animations that should be popping up soon.
Mickey and A Dalek Episode 3 is finished recording!!! Just needs editing, and it should be ready for uploading... Soon. I know, bad word here, but that's all I can say for now. Sorry chaps.
Hmmm... not much else to report. guess that's all for now. I'll be back when I've got updates for you all.
Till then, Take care all!